Back in business thanks to a government bailout.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Mayhem: Living Colour - Open Letter To A Landlord

I'm rarely a "greatest hits" kinda guy but years ago before a long drive to Wisconsin I picked up Living Colour's Greatest Hits for the ride....I came away convinced that these guys were incredible. While nothing they put out matched the success of Cult of Personality, they had some killer tunes...Vernon Reid's guitar and Corey Glover's vocals were always a treat....forgotten piece of trivia...Corey Glover had a small part in Platoon...


Unknown said...
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O.M.O.M. said...

Great band, Each album got better, yet sold less. Their 2nd and 3rd albums are a must.

Blast Furniss said...

Agreed....record company set unreasonable expectations after success of their debut. Plus, I hate to bring race into it but I think whites have a hard time accepting black rock acts. Love Rears its Ugly Head is my fave tune of theirs....Didn't they tour not too long ago?