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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Meet the Gayest Mascot in the NFL

The American version of Queer as Folk was set in Pittsburgh. If you ever wondered why, wonder no more. Pittsburgh is officially America's gayest city thanks to the Steelers new mascot Steely McBeam who looks like he's a long lost member of the Village People. They're here, They're queer, They're Steelers!


TFO said...

I hate the Steelers. I didn't know they were one of the few teams without a mascot. I guess they should have kept it that way... Steely McBeam - sounds like the name of a gay porno star.

O.M.O.M. said...

Even better is the sportscasters name in the clip, Guy Junker. Thanks guys, now all I can think about is Steely McBeam and Guy Junker sodomizing each other with a bottle of Iron City.

Blast Furniss said...

Steely McBeam looks like he's wearing one of Rob Halford's old stage getups.

I'm just waiting to hear Steely was placed on injured reserve with a pulled groin.

Kbone1970 said...

Why you got's to be hatin'? Show me one mascot that AIN'T gay!

TFO said...

good point.