I was never a huge fan of the Police when they were popular. I found their tunes catchy, Sting's hair perfect and thought Stewart Copeland to be about the greatest drummer not named John Bonham. When the Police called it a day 20 plus years ago my reaction was eh....no big whoop. As time passed and Sting made records that were progressively more dull and less catchy, I debated whether or not I should hold Sting's sins against the Police.. I couldn't do it. The Police were just too damn good and original. The tunes have held up much better than other acts from that time. Last night the Police hit Cleveland and I debated about going but finally decided that it was just too damn expensive and I was afraid Sting would play the lute and issue long stage raps about the wonders of tantric lovin'. Thanks to this review from the Cleveland Plain Dealer, I may have yet another reason to hate myself:http://blog.cleveland.com/entertainment/2007/07/the_police_live_from_the_q.html
With rumors of a new record on October 2nd and a final E Street Band tour to follow, Johnny America remembers the day that Bruce Springsteen finally ran out of childhood stories:http://www.johnnyamerica.net/archives/2007/05/22/21.19.47/
Sicko is the best film I've seen this summer. Michael Moore clashed with Wolf Blitzer and Dr. Whatshisface Gupta on CNN last week. Now Mike is extending the olive branch to CNN...why Mike why? CNN Sucks....Its the home of Glenn Beck, 100 year old man Larry King and that revolting alien shill Nancy Grace...stick to your guns Mike!:http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?id=217
Jon Lovitz kicked Andy Dick's ass (like that must have been hard):http://www.nypost.com/seven/07172007/gossip/pagesix/pagesix.htm
The Nintendo Wii is kicking the PS3 and Xbox 360 to the curb:http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/17/technology/17game.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
Blah blah blah...al Qaeda plans to attack us....blah blah blah....danger Will Robinson...blah blah blah....fighting terrorists there so we don't have to fight them here.....:http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-ex-terror17jul18,0,1299639.story?coll=la-home-center
Meet Jesus of Siberia....where walkin' on water ain't so hard:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/16/AR2007071601938.html?hpid=topnews
Its always a good baseball season when the Yankees suck.....they are old, injured, overpaid and underperforming. The manager is on the hot seat and noted steroid abuser and loudmouth Gary Sheffield and former Indian (twice and Indian actually....rumored to be a thrice Indian) say Joe Torre is a racist. Don't fear evil empire fans...the New York Daily News is taking you back to the good ol' days when Reggie was the straw that stirred the drink, the power was out and the Son of Sam was killing kids in lust:http://www.nydailynews.com/features/bronxisburning/index.html
Anyone seen that ESPN docudrama The Bronx is Burning? I hear Rescue Me's Franco is a great Reggie but that the show blows.
The latest on the big Chicago mob trial here:http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-familysecrets17jul17,1,4177352.story?coll=chi-news-hed
Say goodbye to the Cincinnati Post:http://dispatch.com/dispatch/content/local_news/stories/2007/07/17/cincinnati_post.html
I still hate reality tv but damn that Hell's Kitchen is good stuff. Gordon Ramsay is just a hoot. Here's a recap of last nights ep:http://community.tvguide.com/blog/TV-Show-Blog/Hells-Kitchen/800051368
Rolling Stone, which never had any use for hair bands, has pics of Rocklahoma up:http://www.rollingstone.com/photos/gallery/15506033/rocklahoma_2007
Vince Neil looks like he could use another make over. Maybe Kevin DuBrow can lend him a wig.
Alyssa Milano is way hot. She also likes baseball...so much so she blogs about it....and looks hot doing it:http://deadspin.com/sports/alyssa-milano/
First the prez of Eastern Michigan University quit because he covered up a rape and murder. Now the president of Roger Williams U says he's used the "N" word:http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/07/17/national/main3065018.shtml.....will the overpaid, overhyped Gordon Geezus at the Ohio State football factory admit that he once bent the page of a book?
Is the military so hard up for troops its now taking HIV positive soliders? If so, turn 'em loose with open wounds on al Qaeda!:http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,289596,00.html
Take a bite outta Rugby:http://www.ohio.com/mld/ohio/17505280.htm
Video and other crap later if I feel like it.....
Back in business thanks to a government bailout.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
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